Monday, April 16, 2007

Tragic, Terrible Story of Crime - Virginia Tech

I am shocked, only two days after posting an example of a noble thief, of a perpetrator with a heart, now this morming we are hearing of a heartless gunman killing as many as 15 students so far at Virgina Tech campus. :(

The gunman should *not* be taken alive, simply shot down upon sight if they send in rescue troopers. A standoff is apparently in progress, and one wonders if it might be necessary to use gas to knock out all before he can kill others. Details are unclear, but history shows that the chance of dashing in to gun down the culprit before he can kill others must be taken. Crack marksman can do so in the wild moment of surprise as they storm in. Let's pray so.

Given the precedent with the type of culprit, will probably commit suicide first.

- Antony

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